Vol. 22, issue 05, article # 13

Lukin V. P., Grigorjev V. M., Antoshkin L. V., Botygina N. N., Emaleev O. N., Konyaev P. A., Kovadlo P. G., Nosov V. V., Skomorovskii V. I., Torgaev A. V. Possibilities of using adaptive optics in solar telescopes. // Optika Atmosfery i Okeana. 2009. V. 22. No. 05. P. 499-511 [in Russian].
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The first results of the use of adaptive correction system are generalised at the solar telescope. The optical experiments were accompanied by measurements of the local astroclimate parameter near the Big solar vacuum telescope (BSVT), incorporating adaptive correction system. The observations were conducted in July 2005 under clear solar weather and the absence of clouds. On the grounds of given meteo measurements the parameter of local warm-up stratification - the Monin-Obukhov numbers was calculated. Testing the modified correlation sensor (MKD) of BSVT of Baykal astrophysical observatory of the Institute of solar-Terrestrial physics have shown that at a proper choices of parameter of the filterring functions of wave-front sensor provides the reliable measurements of the offset of the solar granulation image in the first focus of the telescope. It turned out that MKD measures the offset of the solar granulation picture in the second focus under very good conditions of the vision only and under determined structure of granulations. The reduction of the input aperture of the telescope to 170 mm weakly influences the quality of the image and, consequently, on MKD work.


turbulence; Solar astronomy; the Sun; adaptive optics; wave front sensor; granularity