Vol. 13, issue 09, article # 2

Izmailov I. V., Magazinnikov A. L., Poizner B. N. Identification of spiral dislocation of wave front and compensation for its influence on formation of optical structures in ring interferometer. // Atmospheric and oceanic optics. 2000. V. 13. No. 09. P. 747-753.    PDF
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A modification of the Akhmanov-Vorontsov model describing formation of optical structures in a nonlinear ring interferometer (NRI) is proposed. The case of optical field turning through some angle in the laser beam cross section (in NRI feedback) is studied. It is found that both the order of spiral dislocation of the wave front at the entrance to NRI and phase delay of the field in the NRI feedback have an identical effect on formation of optical structures. Theoretical analysis and computer experiments show new applications of the NRI: for identifying the order of spiral dislocation of an optical vortex (by the shape of optical structures in the laser beam cross section in the NRI), for compensating for the influence of an optical vortex on the process and result of structure formation in the NRI, and as a basis of an arithmetic and logic unit executing the operation of addition.